The proposal, funded by a tourism operator in Waterton National Park, would see two lodges and 22 cabins built right on the edge of a provincial wilderness park
It may seem like a small change, but even a few small area of rural sprawl in a critical connectivity area can have a real affect on grizzlies and other wildlife, so please register your opposition to this ill conceived proposal today HERE!
The RDEK has self-fill Sandbag Stations and is encouraging area residents to be aware of the potential for rising or rapidly changing conditions in area waterways.
The Fernie Chamber of Commerce announced today their plan to launch a feasibility study for the creation of a Coworking and Business Acceleration Centre in the City of Fernie.
On Friday, March 24, Bennett delivered his last address as MLA and Mining Minister to a large group of people in the Emerald room of the Causeway Bay Hotel.