After more than three years of hard work, residents in over 12,000 rural households, in more than 62 communities in the region, will have access to new or improved high-speed Internet.
The RDEK is honoured to have received a Union of BC Municipalities Community Excellence Award for Excellence in Sustainability for the Accelerate Kootenay project.
The baby, Alice Donna Vickery, and mom Jen were cared for by the firefighters until the BC Ambulance Service arrived and transported them to hospital in Fernie.
The RDEK has issued an evacuation order for ten properties in the community of Corbin as a result of a lightning caused fire in Leach Creek in the Elk Valley.
An Evacuation Alert has been issued by the Regional District of East Kootenay due to wildfire and
the potential danger to life and health in the Cross River/Nipika Mountain Resort