Fernie’s own Avalanche City Roller Girls are bringing roller derby home at their first home game on Saturday, May 10. At 4:30 p.m., the double header event starts off with ACRG’s junior team, BombsQUAD taking on Lethbridge’s Windy City Wipe-outs. All skaters on the junior team are ages 17 and under, male and female. These two teams have competed in the past and it will be exciting to see how they’ve both progressed in this re-match.

Avalanche City Roller Girls

Next at 7:00 p.m. ACRG takes on the Nelson Kill Joys from the West Kootenay Roller Derby League. The Kill Joys are the current champions of the WKRDL, and are currently on a 7-game winning streak. Having done well within their league, they decided to branch out and see how they would fare against other teams. Along with a bout in Kelowna earlier this year, the Kill Joys scheduled a game against ACRG. The Kill Joys have proven to be a strong, competitive team so far this season, within and outside of their own league.

ACRG have been working hard both on and off the track. The team has already played four games and two tournaments, with three wins and a second place spot in one of the tournaments. ACRG has an unstoppable defense, which lends considerable to their ability to dominate and win, but the team has been working hard to improve their offensive strategy in order to get more points on the board.

Off the track, the skaters and members of the league have been organizing every detail of the family-friendly event to ensure everything runs smoothly and the crowd has a great time. There will be a beer garden, concession and two bouts of roller derby to watch. As well, there will be a draw to find the winners of the craft beer and wine basket raffles. Anyone with a raffle ticket gets into the bout for free. For everyone else, it’s $10 entry for adults, $5 for ages 12 – 18, and free for ages 11 and under.

This won’t be the only home event of the season for ACRG. The team is set to host teams from Alberta and B.C. in five separate games throughout the year. This home opener is sure to be an event not to be missed. For more details on ACRG, the events, and the raffle, visit their website at www.fernierollerderby.com.

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