The award nominations for the 2018 Community & Business Excellence Awards are now open.

Do you know an individual or business who goes above and beyond for our community? Well, now is the time to recognize everything they do for us.

The nomination period is from August 1 to September 9th. Businesses are welcome to self-nominate.

All nominees from business categories will be contacted once the nomination period closes and asked to submit an awards package that will be used by the judges to determine the finalists and winners.

About the winner selection process. Nominees will be asked to submit a form specific to the award they have been nominated for. This form will be reviewed by an independent panel of judges from outside the Fernie area. Based on the information and details provided by the business, the judges will rate the businesses against the award criteria. The highest rated business will win.

Exceptions to this process – Citizen and Volunteer of the year will not be asked to submit nomination forms. Businesses and organization nominated in all categories will be on the ballot for the People’s Choice award that the public will vote on. Team of the Year to be nominated by businesses.

Any questions on this process can be sent to

This years awards include:

Citizen of the Year
Resident of two or more years
Leadership in multiple roles as demonstrated through business and/or volunteer experience
Has improved quality of life in Fernie

Volunteer of the Year
Commitment to volunteerism in Fernie and area demonstrated through volunteer hours
Demonstrated support to multiple organizations and activities

Spirit of Fernie
A not-for-profit organization
Contribution to the economic, social and/or cultural well-being of Fernie
High level programming and or services to stakeholders
Effective and efficient management

Entrepreneur of the Year
Strong adherence to business ethics as demonstrated through company policies and business practices
Innovation and leadership as demonstrated through marketing, product development, and/or customer service
Active community involvement as demonstrated through organization memberships and/or community sponsorship

New Business of the Year
In business less the two years
Strong support to the Fernie business community
Strong commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship

Outstanding Customer Service
Based on online ranking from Expedia, Yelp, Trip Advisor and Facebook
Innovation of products or services to create a customer experience
Participation in Fernie Ambassador Program, percentage of staff through course

Community Tourism Achievement
Marketing creativity that has resulted in more visitors to Fernie, examples to be provided
Demonstrated support to the tourism industry in Fernie

Fernie Business of the Year
Year-after-year growth and innovation, based on 3 year history, in business for over 5 years.

Employer of the Year
Exceptional commitment to its employees demonstrated through job creation, training and support, recognition and rewards, employee health and wellness and professional development.
Must be a member of Fernie Chamber of Commerce in good standing

Community Leadership Award
Community impact through leadership, philanthropy, volunteerism, and vision
Community support through organization memberships
Industry leader shown through industry or professional association membership
Member of the Fernie Chamber of Commerce in good standing
Companies are recognized for their exceptional commitment to employees demonstrated through job creation, training and support, recognition and rewards, employee health and wellness and professional development.

Nominate a great local business today and get ready for the Awards Gala on October 26th!

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