Park Place Lodge

1)    Councillor Macnair Recognized for RDEK Service
Mayor Corrigan presented Councillor Macnair with a commemorative clock on behalf of the Regional District of East Kootenay in recognition of his past service on the Board and the Boards of the East Kootenay and Kootenay East Regional Hospital Districts.
2)    New Director of Corporate Administration Services
Council welcomed Ms. Lisa Talavia-Spencer to the City of Fernie. Ms. Talavia, as she typically goes by, joins the City after having been the Community Literacy Coordinator for the Elk Valley. Prior to relocating to Fernie, Ms. Talavia worked for the City of Edmonton in Corporate Services, Parks and Recreation and Community Services departments and as a teacher in Northern Alberta.
3)    Development Variance Permit No. DVP-218
A hearing was convened to gather submissions from the public regarding Development Variance Permit No. DVP-218.  The proponent’s current application is to legalize the siting of the existing single detached dwelling, located at 1541 – 11th Avenue, vary the minimum front yard setback to facilitate the construction of a second story to the existing house, and construct a carport and an enclosed 3.20 metre x 8.92 metre addition to the existing dwelling.
No submissions were presented and the hearing was closed.
Council approved the issuance of Development Variance Permit No. DVP-218.
3)    Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion – Partial Mix 1 Aeration Contract
City Council authorized the expenditure of $210,493.50 and directed the Director of Operational Services to execute the contract with Nelson Environmental Inc. to design and construct the Aeration Equipment within Partial Mix Cell 1 for the Sewage Treatment Plant Expansion.
4)    Elk River Gravel Extraction – Building Canada Fund Application
Council resolved to support the application for funding under the Building Canada Fund for the Elk River Gravel Extraction project. As part of the City’s ongoing efforts to minimize risk of flooding, an application to the Flood Protection Program though Emergency Management BC will be submitted requesting $226,300.
The funds would be used to remove gravel from the gravel sheet immediately upstream of the North Bridge to improve channel alignment though the bridge reducing the risk of scour, debris jams and increased flood levels.  Additional work extracting gravel further upstream on the Elk River and downstream of the confluence of the Elk River and Coal Creek is recommended to help sites suffering from bank erosion.
If the application is approved, the City’s contribution under this program is 10% or $22,630. Funding would be made available through the City’s Street Reserve as the gravels extracted would likely be used in future road construction projects.
5)    James White Well – NW Reservoir – Building  Canada Fund Application Gets Approval
The City received official confirmation that its application for funding of the NW Reservoir / James White Well was approved.
The City will receive a maximum federal/provincial contribution of $4,830,480.00.  Council received this item for information and agreed to send letters of thanks to the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure, the Ministry of Community Development, Western Economic Diversification, Honourable Jim Abbott, MP and Honourable Bill Bennet, MLA.
6)    Heritage Hydro Building gets Starring Role in Upcoming Movie
Council recommended that a sublease of the Heritage Hydro Building (491 2nd Ave) be granted to Hot Tub Films Inc. for the period of April 14, 2009 until May 22, 2009 and that non-structural interior modifications to the building be approved subject to the Historical Society or Hot Tub Films Inc. obtaining any and all necessary licenses or permits for the work.
The internal renovations being done as part of filming requirements align with the long term goals of the Historical Society and will contribute positively to the restoration of this historic building.
7)    Portion of Wood Stove Exchange Funds released to support high need in rural areas
Mayor and Council received a request from Wildsight Kimberly / Cranbrook Branch asking that Council consider releasing some of the provincial funds (5 rebates of $250.00) if interest in Fernie does not increase significantly so rebates can be used in rural areas of the Regional District of East Kootenay, where demand remains strong.
Council approved releasing provincial funds (5 rebates of $250.00 each) for use by rural areas.
Thirteen $250.00 rebates are still available to Fernie residents. This amount is further topped up by the City of Fernie which contributes $100 and a free wood chimney inspection fee (valued at $40.00). For more information please contact:
Ashley Graham – Elk Valley Coordinator
Phone: (250) 423-6122
8)    Council Supports Creation of Provincial Beverage Container Management Board (BCMB).
The BC Bottle Depot Association sent an open letter to all BC Municipal Councils identifying concerns with the recycling industry, specifically Used Beverage Container and Electronics Stewardship Program and the voluntary milk program. Concerns regarding these programs centre on monies collected though un-redeemed deposits, eco fees and advance disposal fees. Council agreed concerns were valid and agreed to write a letter of support urging the Ministry of Environment to create a BCMB to oversee monies collected through these recycling programs.
9)    Nature Club Offers to Clean Up Wetland Area
Council accepted the Fernie Nature Club’s offer, made by Bob Livsey and subject to official approval from the Nature Club Board, to clean up the wetland area adjacent to the main sewage lift station. Council directed staff to contact the club to arrange for the clean up and to thank the club for their generous offer.
10)    Council to Recognize National Day of Mourning
Council moved that the City of Fernie recognize and participate in the National Day of Mourning on April 28, 2009 in recognition of workers killed or injured on the job.
11)    Bylaws:
Bylaw No. 2095, cited as 2009 – 2013 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2095 was granted first three readings.  This Bylaw sets out the City’s proposed expenditures, funding sources and transfers to or between funds for the period January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2013 and is the culmination of a budget process that began in the fall of 2008.  The budget amounts that are summarized in the Bylaw are the result of a consultative process that sought the input of the public, elected officials and city staff and include capital expenditures of $24.7 million which comprises 30% of planned expenditures.  The aggressive capital component of the Financial Plan addresses the infrastructure improvements that were identified through the budget process as priorities in the 2009 – 2013 planning period and the budgeted operating expenditures have been set to maintain and in some areas improve the level of service provided by the City of Fernie to its citizens.
The recent downturn in the economy resulted in substantial reductions to previously budgeted revenue estimates with building permit fees and tax on new construction being the funding sources receiving the largest downward adjustments.
Bylaw No. 2096, cited as 2009 Tax Rates Bylaw No. 2096 was granted first three readings.  This Bylaw establishes tax rates for the municipal revenue proposed to be raised for the year from property value taxes and the amounts to be collected for the year in relation to the Regional District of East Kootenay and the East Kootenay and Kootenay East Regional Hospital Districts requisitions.
Property tax is the City’s primary source of funds and its most stable and consistent form of revenue.  The annual budget process is the mechanism for determining the revenue requirements and resource allocation decisions that ultimately decide the municipal tax rates.
Despite significant reductions to previous revenue projections as a result of the slowdown in the economy, the increase to the municipal tax rate in 2009 has been maintained at the previously forecast level of 3.8% which will raise an additional $134,674 in tax revenue and result in municipal tax collections of approximately $1,114 (before claiming the Home Owner Grant, if applicable) on the average single family residential dwelling.  This revenue combined with additional tax collections resulting from assessment on new construction that occurred in 2008 will be used to offset increased operating costs resulting from inflation, negotiated wage increases and increasing commodity prices and will allow for additional contributions to reserves that will be used to fund upgrades to capital infrastructure.
It is the objective of Council when setting municipal tax rates to maintain a fair, equitable and stable level of tax collection and at the same time continue to provide a high level of quality services to the taxpayer.
Public Hearings* and Meeting Notices
Meeting Notice
Financial Plan Meeting
6:00pm on Monday, April 27th, 2009 in Council Chambers.
The purpose of this meeting is to receive written or verbal submissions respecting the Financial Plan for the City of Fernie for the Five Year period from January 1, 2009 – December 31, 2013.
To view the Financial Plan please visit City Hall or the City of Fernie website
Public Hearings
A Public Hearing will be held at 6:00pm on Monday, April 27, 2009 in the Council Chambers, in City Hall, 501-3rd Avenue, Fernie, BC to receive written and verbal submissions respecting the following Bylaw:
Bylaw No. 2090, cited as Zoning Bylaw 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 91, 2009
Applicant: City of Fernie
Location: Citywide
A Public Hearing will be held at 6:00pm on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 in the Council Chambers, in City Hall, 501-3rd Avenue, Fernie, BC to receive written and verbal submissions respecting the following Bylaws:
Bylaw No. 2025, cited as Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 1923, Amendment Bylaw No. 9, 2005
Applicant: Bulova Resort Developments
Location: Property located at or near 190 Whitetail Drive
Bylaw No. 2083, cited as Zoning Bylaw 1750, Amendment Bylaw No. 87, 2008
Applicant: Abugov Kaspar, Bruce Abugov
Location: Property located at or near 190 Whitetail Drive
*Please note: The preceding information is provided for convenience and is not intended to replace legal notices of pubic hearings.
For complete details regarding the above listed Public Hearings please:
1.    Visit the City of Fernie website at or
2.    See posted notices at City Hall or the bulletin board located at 492 – 3rd Avenue (across the street from the Post Office).

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