1) New Fire Chief Hired
As a result of the pending retirement of present City of Fernie Fire Chief, Mr. Brian Schmitz, the City of Fernie is pleased to announce that Mr. Shawn Ivany will take over the position of Director of Fire and Rescue Services effective July 2, 2008. Mr. Ivany has extensive experience in the fields of fire protection, rescue and emergency services in addition to related training and education in the field.
He has served as a fire chief, assistant chief (fire prevention), acting regional fire commissioner, lieutenant, firefighter/inspector and firefighter/structural. Council agreed that Mr. Ivany’s skills, knowledge and abilities make him an excellent fit for the position.
2) Fire and Rescue Services Strategic Plan
Council approved an Agreement between the City and Results Management Services of Surrey, BC for the preparation of a Ten Year Strategic Plan for the City’s Fire and Rescue Services Department. A major goal of the Plan will be to optimize the delivery of fire and rescue services and to examine whether opportunities exist to reduce operational and capital costs of the Department and what the implications of any changes may be. The cost for development of the Plan is $20,600 and it is expected to be completed by March 15, 2009.
3) Rural Fire Protection Service Bylaw
Council gave first three readings to Fernie Rural Fire Protection Services Authorization Bylaw No. 2075. The Bylaw authorizes the City to provide rural fire protection services to specified rural areas in the Fernie area as detailed in the Fernie Rural Fire Protection Agreement between the City of Fernie and the Regional District of East Kootenay. The services to be provided include fire
suppression, rescue services and medical first responder services.
The Agreement replaces the Fernie Snow Valley Local Service Area Fire Suppression Agreement and the agreement with the former West Fernie
Waterworks District and expands the service area to include certain properties in the Cokato, Anderson and Vanlerberg Road areas.
4) Development Variance Permits Approved
After fulfilling the mandatory notice requirements and providing an opportunity for input from the public, Council approved the issuance of Development Variance Permits (DVP) #184, #185 and #187.
DVP #184 legalizes the siting of the existing single family dwelling at 722 – 9th Avenue and will enable the construction of a 1.22 metre x 6.4 metre covered porch (including stairs and deck) on the west side of the subject single family dwelling. The covered porch will project into the minimum front yard setback as authorized by the DVP. No verbal or written comments on the permit from the public were received.
DVP #185 varies the minimum side and rear yard setbacks along the east and south property lines of 16 Ridgemont Drive to facilitate the construction of a proposed detached garage in the back yard. No verbal or written comments on the permit from the public were received.
DVP #187 varies the parking requirement of the Zoning Bylaw from 13 parking spaces to 0 parking spaces to facilitate the installation of an outdoor patio containing 38 seats for patrons at Nonstop Adventure & Red Tree Lodge located at 1101 – 7th Avenue. The number of existing parking spaces will remain the same. A letter from the Bargain Shop expressed opposition to issuance of the permit.
5) Contract for 13th Street Upgrade Awarded
After receiving and reviewing the two tenders submitted for the 13th Street Reconstruction Phase 1 project, Council awarded the contract to Copcan Contracting Ltd. based in Nanaimo, BC. The amount of the contract including GST is $1,346,000. The other tender was submitted by Metro Paving. The project which will significantly improve 13th Street between 6th and 2nd Avenues, is expected to commence in mid-June and be completed by late August.
6) Council Supports Proposed Dirt Jump Park
Council passed a resolution in support of the Fernie Mountain Bike Club’s proposed development of a dirt jump and skills progression park to be located on the grounds behind the Fernie Aquatic Centre. The outdoor rink/ basketball court will be moved to an area adjacent to the east end of the parking lot while the new park will be located where the existing outdoor rink presently is. The Club will have primary responsibility for maintaining the park.
7) Zoning Amendment Bylaw Advances
Council gave first and second reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2068 which applies to the residential property located at 1042 11th Avenue. The property is currently zoned R-1 Single Family Residential but the applicant would like it to be re-zoned to R-1B Single Detached Residential. If eventually adopted, the amendment Bylaw would permit a secondary residential unit to be placed on the same lot as the primary residential unit. The draft Bylaw will now proceed to a public hearing in the near future.
8) Council Supports Fernie Oil Derrick
Council passed a resolution supporting the care, preservation and restoration of the Fernie Derrick Artifact in its present location near the Chamber of Commerce building on Highway #3. The Fernie Derrick Society approached City Council for its support of preserving this important part of Fernie and Flathead Valley heritage. Council agreed to provide in-kind donations of equipment and manpower and stated that if the Chamber of Commerce site should ever be altered, that every effort should be made to preserve the artifact and if necessary, to provide another suitable site for it.

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