#1 – Development Variance Permits Approved
➢    Council approved a Development Variance Permit (DVP #172) for Nonstop Ski and Snowboard located at 621 7th Avenue. The permit varies the maximum projection into the minimum side yard setback for an 8.8 metre x 1.65 metre second storey sundeck including a first storey 4 metre x 1.65 metre flight of stairs and a 6.7 metre x 1.65 metre second storey flight of stairs only from 1.3 metres to 4.4 metres along a portion of the east property line. Council gave preliminary approval for the DVP at the October 9th Regular Council meeting. No written or verbal submissions from the public on the matter were received.
Council also approved DVP 174 which applies to the section of St. Margaret’s Road running from the intersection of Ridgemont Crescent to the east end of the area dedicated as road on the Plan Showing the Proposed Subdivision of Lot 1, Plan 9301 and Part of Lot 6, Plan NEP22339, Kootenay District, District Lot 4589. The variance decreases the minimum permitted roadway width as set out in Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw No. 1727 from 11 metres to 8.5 metres. Council gave preliminary approval for the DVP at the October 9th Regular Council meeting. At the hearing, Mr. Dave Gildea of 130 Ridgemont Crescent asked if the requested variance would preserve the evergreen trees adjacent to his residence that are located in the St. Margaret’s road right-of-way and requested that speed bumps be considered on that road to avoid the potential for a serious accident there.
#2 – Development Variance Permit Application to Proceed
➢    Council gave approval in principle to Development Variance Permit (DVP) application number DVPA-175. The application applies to the residence at 192 – 2nd Avenue and proposes to allow the applicant to construct a 6.7 metre x 7.3 metre detached carport on the north side of an existing single detached dwelling.
If approved, the DVP will vary the minimum side yard setback stipulated in Zoning Bylaw No. 1750 from 4.5 metres to 1.5 metres and the projection of the eave for the structure into the minimum 4.5 metre side yard setback from 1.0 metre to 3.7 metres.  Council will likely consider final approval for the DVP at its next regularly scheduled Council meeting on November 13th, after notice requirements have been fulfilled.
#3 – Proposed OCP Bylaw Amendment Decision Postponed
➢    A decision on an application from Bulova Resort Developments to amend the Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw was postponed until such time as a concurrent Zoning Bylaw amendment application is received. The proposed OCP Bylaw amendment would redesignate 0.36 hectares (0.88 acres) of land located between Whitetail Drive and Cedar Bowl Place from the Transportation and Utility Corridor land use designation to Residential Mixed Density.
After hearing opposition to the proposed change from local residents earlier in the meeting at a Public Hearing, considering written submissions from the public and after receiving a report from the Director of Planning, Council passed a resolution directing that a second public hearing be held regarding the proposed OCP Bylaw amendment and that the public hearing be held in conjunction with a Zoning Bylaw amendment application for the same and an adjacent parcel of land. It was felt that this would give Council and the public more specific information about what the developer’s plans for the property are, thereby enabling more informed public input and a more informed decision on the proposed changes to be reached.
#4 – Playground Funds Approved
➢    Following a presentation by Mr. Frank Lento on behalf of the School Community Connection Program at the August 27, 2007 Committee of the Whole meeting, staff was directed to present a report recommending a funding source for a $40,000 dollar commitment from the City toward the $160,000 cost for a new playground at Isabella Dicken Elementary School in the Five Year Financial Plan. Mr. Lento provided an update at the September 10th Committee of the Whole meeting where he explained that the estimated cost of the project had increased from $160,000 to $194,300 due to the focus of the playground design being expanded to accommodate not only elementary youth but also early learners, secondary teens and senior citizens. As requested, an amendment to the previously approved financial commitment of $40,000 from the City was approved resulting in an increase of $5000 for a total $45,000 financial commitment from the City of Fernie.
In accordance with the recommendation from the Director of Financial and Computer Services, Council approved the redirection of $25,000 currently budgeted in 2008 for the installation of a playground at James White Park and the redirection of $20,000 currently budgeted in 2009 for the installation of a playground in Parkland Terrace to meet its $45,000 commitment.
The new playground is a joint effort involving the City of Fernie, the School Community Connection Program, the Provincial Government, School District #5, the private sector, business community, parent constituents and other volunteers. The playground will allow a broad segment of the community to utilize and enjoy and is expected to be constructed in Spring, 2008.
#5 – Remembrance Day Ceremonies in Place
➢    Mayor and Council received a written invitation from the Royal Canadian Legion to participate in the annual Remembrance Day parade and ceremonies. The Legion also requested permission to hold the parade on November 11th to the Cenotaph at the Courthouse grounds in honour of fallen comrades of past wars. They requested permission to hold the annual Poppy Campaign starting October 26th and to fly the official Poppy Flag for the duration of Veterans’ Week which is the week preceding Remembrance Day. Council unanimously supported the requests.
#6 – Council Seeks Apology
➢    On October 15, 2007 the City of Whitefish, Montana passed a resolution encouraging the Governor of Montana and the Premier of British Columbia to meet regarding common trans-boundary issues. In the resolution the City of Whitefish stated that it was a joint resolution between the City of Fernie and the City of Whitefish. However, Mayor Macnair made it clear that The City of Fernie did not endorse the resolution nor had anyone in the City of Fernie even seen the resolution.
Consequently, Council passed a resolution that the City of Fernie request an apology from the City of Whitefish and request that the City of Whitefish issue a letter of retraction to any and all parties to whom the original resolution was forwarded.
The Mayor noted the issue was that another jurisdiction stated that the City of Fernie jointly issued the resolution when in fact, it did not.
#7 – Leisure Services Advisory Board Affirms Commitment
➢    Ms. Colleen Dunn, Chair of the Leisure Services Advisory Board appeared before Council to affirm the Board’s commitment in assisting Council, the Director of Leisure Services and the community in regards to leisure services offered by the City of Fernie. Ms. Dunn stated that the 8-member Advisory Board recently met for the first time in several months and that it recognizes the important role it plays and looks forward to having Council continue to utilize its services. Councillor Giuliano and Mayor Macnair on behalf of Council both thanked the Board for its efforts and ongoing commitment to the City of Fernie.
#8 – RCMP Invited to Committee of the Whole
➢    Council has invited the Elk Valley RCMP to attend a Committee of the Whole meeting in the near future to discuss the issue of RCMP presence and coverage in the City of Fernie. In particular, Council is concerned about coverage late at night and in the early hours of the morning. The invitation has been issued and Staff Sgt. Lorne Craig has already indicated that one or two representatives from the RCMP will attend a meeting in the near future.

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