Park Place Lodge

The Fernie Memorial Arena has a chance to win $250,000 in upgrades from the Hockeyville competition. The competition allows Canadians to vote for which arena most deserves $250,000 in upgrades.

Hockeyville is an annual competition sponsored by Kraft Foods, the National Hockey League and the NHL Players Association in which communities compete to demonstrate their commitment to the sport of ice hockey. The competition is looking for great stories and community participation to prove that Fernie, and the Fernie Memorial Arena embody the spirit of Hockeyville.

Mayor Mary Giuliano commented, “If people from the outside can feel this strongly for Fernie then our community certainly can match this as they have already proven how exceptional they can be with what they did with the outdoor rink, so everyone let’s do it, we can win this, thank you.” Giuliano was referring to non-Fernie residents supporting Fernie–Canadian’s can support the community of their choice.

The Fernie community is still grieving from the October 2017 ammonia disaster at the Fernie Memorial arena. The community lost three wonderful people in the tragedy and the Fernie Memorial Arena remains closed for an unknown period with a to-be-determined cost to reopen. The $250,000 would provide an amazing spiritual and financial boost to the community.

In Hockeyville 2018, four finalist communities will be selected, two from the East and two from the West, who have rallied together behind an amazing story. They will go head to head in voting for Canadians (13+) to decide who will be the next Hockeyville.


Rally Points account for 10% of the judging criteria. Our community can help boost the Rally Score by adding notes, uploading photos & videos, tweeting from the community page and interacting with the community content gallery. Learn more about how to increase Fernie’s Rally Score.

You have until February 11th midnight to enter and generate Rally Points. Please enter today, Fernie deserves it!

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