On November 21 Overwaitea Foods in Fernie and Kimberley, and Save On Foods in Cranbrook launched their own special fundraiser to Help Light a Star for EKFH’s Starlite Campaign.

Since the launch customers have being generous by donating their More Rewards points with Overwaitea and SaveOn outlets matching 1,000 points for every 1,000 points donated equaling a $2.00 donation from the Overwaitea Food Group.

Although the program was to end on December 3, store managers from the 3 outlets are extending its support to January 2014.

“We are more than half way the to the goal of raising $5,000 and lighting a star so unanimously our stores in Fernie, Kimberley and Cranbrook agreed to extend campaign,” says Mark Lento, Branch Manager in Fernie.

To participate in the Help us Light a Star a customer simply has to redeem their More Rewards points at the customer service counter or directly through the till. Not enough points? No problem… donations are also gratefully accepted in-store with all donations being directed to the More Rewards points event.

L-R:  Overwaitea Fernie had a visit from Starlite grocery baggers Brian Clifford (EKFH), Evelyn Cutts & Stephanie Rogers (volunteers) & Aysha Haines (Elk Valley Hospital Foundation) and Sue (Overwaitea)

L-R: Overwaitea Fernie had a visit from Starlite grocery baggers Brian Clifford (EKFH), Evelyn Cutts & Stephanie Rogers (volunteers) & Aysha Haines (Elk Valley Hospital Foundation) and Sue (Overwaitea)

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