City of Fernie
Here you will find information regarding City Council and Departments, bylaws, services, parks and recreation.
Fernie Heritage Trust Society
Preserving the built heritage and culture of Fernie and currently transforming the historic Knox United Church building into a community performing arts space.
FrontCounter BC
FrontCounter BC is a service that can assist you with licences, permits, registrations and other authorizations required to utilize the Province's natural resources.
Interior Health
Interior Health delivers programs and services to residents across BC's Southern Interior including the Elk Valley.
Local Market
Providing a physical and online retail store that brings local people and local products together. Partnering with Local food producers to increase the amount of local food available in Fernie.
The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK)
The Regional District of East Kootenay (RDEK) is one of 28 regional districts formed by the Province of British Columbia to provide local government services to unincorporated areas. The local governments work together through the RDEK to provide and coordinate services in both urban and rural areas. Fernie is surrounded by the RDEK Area A district.