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    • #6594

      so if you are a lifty tell me why the elk chair takes the same amount of time if not longer than the 2km timber chair, and why do you constantly stop it, its ridiculas. i know alot of young children ride that lift but they also ride the timber chair and it is twice the speed. it is enough to make you leave and not ride that part of the mountain. so talk to your boss and for gods sake SPEED IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please

    • #14933

      I am not a litfie but maybe I can help you out. A little basic physics helps in this situation. The timber chair is a detachable “high speed” quad chair. This means that the chair releases from the haul rope when it gets into the station and runs on a separate track around the bullwheel. After the chair detaches from the rope, the chair slows down and allows people to board at a slower speed. Then the chair clamps back onto the rope and up you go at “high speed”. The Elk Chair is a “fixed grip” chair. Meaning that the chair stays on the haul rope for the entire rotation. So the chair is “bumped” each time for you as you get on (ie slowed down). The chair cannot run at a high speed or punters who do not know anything about chairlifts would be knocked off their feet every time they try to load.

      Next time you are at the hill, simply have a look up at the differences between the two types of chairs and you will understand what I have explained.

      Perhaps you would like to have the Haulback going at the same speed as the Timber??

    • #14934

      Very well put Bradlee!

    • #14935

      yeh fair enough but how can a mountain of fernies size still be stuck in the dark ages with crappy old slow chairs, they charge like a wounded bull for everythinig on the mountain (food,lift tickets, ect.) why not replace that old chair for a new one, seeminig its the only way up to that side of the mountain….

    • #14936

      manly-seaeagle you need to chill out. Enjoy the ride…the Bear Chair used to be a t-bar how would you handle that? Anyways you only need take the elk chair once to get to the upper mountain on that side. Then you have the bear which is fast, the boom which is slow but nice and quiet. Just enjoy skiing/riding and stop complaining…….Or…. :wink: go to Whistler.

    • #14937
      i love kelseys

      you do like to rub people up the wrong way dont you.did santa not bring you what you wanted.at least your out there i have 2 weeks to go before i get there.have fun without the moaning and i will buy you a beer when i get there cheers.

    • #14938

      yeh i love stirring shit…but its true you will see when you get here its so slow…cheers would love a beer

    • #14939

      The holidays rush is over, there will be less kids so the chair should not be slowed down as often.

      Enjoy! :lol:

    • #14940
      i love kelseys

      manly is this your first time in fernie.ive been going there for 7 years now and dont you think fernie resort the local people and the snow makes up for one slow lift .face lift needs sorting though.you should ride some eastern europe resorts they have lifts a lot slower and older plus power cuts that can leave you up there for an hour.get out and enjoy yourself then you will see that fernie is the best.vote fernie.cheers

    • #14941

      you shouldn’t compare RCR a so called “World Class Resort” (wanna be!) to Eastern Europe Skiresorts they still have a long way to go, were as Fernie wants to be up there with the big one’s.

    • #14942
      i love kelseys

      hi csch,i wasnt saying fernie is a world class resort and i think it would loose some of its charm if it was.i wouldnt go to places like whistler because its to commercial.bulgarian resorts are calling themselfs world class and even bidding for the winter olympics.if they call themselfs world class then fernie would be right at the top.i like fernie ,the people and the town and have made many friends there and will keep coming back.be there on the 13 jan .have a good day all.cheers.

    • #14943
      "bradlee" wrote:
      Perhaps you would like to have the Haulback going at the same speed as the Timber??

      Now -*that*- would be kewl!

      Thrills and spills on the way down, and on the way back up!

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