We found the Turtle!

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    • #8073

      Hi All,

      I know this sounds really strange, but our family has had a turtle (named Moe) for the past 20 yrs. Yesterday he escaped out of our sun porch, and had disappered. Contrary to what you may think turtles can actually move at a pretty fast pase and can smell water, seeing as we have a stream in our back yard that connects to the elk river we think that is probably where he went. If anyone happens to see a turtle swiming in the river, please call us and if you can try to catch him even better. He is very friendly and if you pick him up between his front and back legs he will only scratch at you a bit (but it does not hurt)


      -Size: His shell is about 4-5 inches wide by about 6-7 inches long
      – He is a painted turtle so his ears have 2 orange stripes over them.
      -He is one bad eye

      Thanks to everyone looking out for Moe, he is not a wild turtle there for we do not know how well he will survive,

      Tracy 423-7120

    • #16116


      I think I saw your turtle on Wednesday around 4.30pm. I thought he was wild as I’ve seen wild snapper turtles in the Elk before, so I just left him there. He was on the footpath in the annex park, right around the point where the pond drains into the river, down at the end.

      I hope you find him.

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