The Earth is evolving

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    • #11868

      Extinction in brief By Leslie Anthony

      Physically, magnetically, geologically, chemically, biologically. The only certainty in each is change over time. These are the indisputable, measurable results of the forces in play since the Big Bang (or, for those who prefer abstract myths, since "creation").

      Humanity is likewise in flux. But in a quite different way. As a self-conscious, social, widely interbreeding, globally-distributed creature, human evolution no longer involves physical divergence; instead, cultural, economic and technological change propels it.

      Driving this ever-accelerating "advancement" equation, is the profligate use of finite resources that deliver self-limiting challenges to the status quo that mirror lessons from past acme life-forms toppled by similarly rapid environmental change: extinction events. For example, after 100 million years of phantasmagorical evolution, but hobbled by an inability to adapt, the global dinosaur party was snuffed out like a candle by a meteorite the size of Whistler village.

      Read more … e%27n+1813

    • #20071

      "talk – action = 0"

      hey hey
      get out there and hit the pow ralphy…
      there is STill tonns/tons/tonnes to be had.

      rock it man

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