Park Place Lodge


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    • #9876

      just an FYI for people in the area..
      i had stuff stolen from my truck outside of my house last night. I live in the deep annex surrounded by families and long term residents…
      a green 4G nano ipod was stolen as well as a new all Red Burton Winter Jacket. very simple with two large pockets on the front.
      If anyone sees someone with some "new" gear, please msg me and let me know. i believe it was around 1-2 am.
      thanks for reading this post and …. keep your stuff locked esp aruond this time of year with all the new folk!

    • #17721

      sad but true…my truck and some visiting friends vehicles were pilidged by scum sucking lowlifes also in West Fernie not long ago..I got video cameras up now and have seen probably the same losers trying to break into my shop..I’ve never locked my stuff up in 18yrs here but now secure everything and proudly display a shiny new baseball bat and other defensive items for such losers to see(plus I love hunting)..i thought these losers only ripped people off at the end of ski season when they were leaving !!!!damn,Fernie used to be so cool

    • #17722

      The same thing happened to us, the police caught them, 12-13 year old kids from town… might be worth looking into.

    • #17720

      The kids call that car-hopping. Just open cars are the target, easy access – fast money.
      Keep cars locked and take out all your stuff!!

    • #17723

      Ya Me too a couple months back. I live up in canyon trails. 30 gig i pod. The stupid bastards didn’t get my mac book though. Lock em up.

    • #17719

      During the summer we had kids come right into the house and take movies, PS2, games, and other items. They were caught but nothing was done to punish them for the crimes they commited. The police were involved and even said they knew of them from other occurances but no action was taken. Lately gas has been getting stolen from vehicles so now people have had to buy locks for their gas tanks so that they are not wasting money always filling the tank. I moved here from a big city to feel safe and secure in my home, and such is not the case. Its not always new people to town. These teenagers are born and raised locals whos parents don’t take any involvment in holding their kids accountable for their actions. Its sad but true. If you see something or someone report it. Bring back the small town feeling!

    • #17724

      I’m not sure where this myth that Fernie use to be this perfect little place. With all white picket fences, and friendly people with a 0% crime rate. Fernie has always had its problems just like any city or town in the world. I’ve lived here my entire life, and its alway had its its problems with theft, drugs, domestic violence, and all the other everyday crimes. You’ll never bring Fernie back to "the way it was" because it was never like that before. I’m not sure if there is more or less crime than the pre 1997 days, but the town sure use to seem way more violent. Peace.

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