Park Place Lodge

Park land exchange proposed with Blackstone

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    • #10689

      Voters in Fernie have the chance to comment on a plan to exchange several pieces of City land with the proposed Blackstone Golf Resort, in return for land elsewhere in the city.

      The City of Fernie is proposing to exchange a 0.262 ha piece of designated park land lying by Brewers Creek off Cokato Road for a 1.87 ha piece of land next to Maiden Lake.

      The City proposes to use this wetland as a nature park with a designated trail system.

      The City would also acquire land next to the railway track on the corner of Cokato Road and Mt Mclean Street, allowing for a potential bridge across the river in the future.

      Chief Administrative Officer Allan Chabot said the existing park area was donated by the developer of houses in that area but has never been used as a park.

      If 324 eligible voters – 10 per cent of the City electorate – oppose this plan, the City would have to hold a referendum. Elector response forms are available from City Hall and must be returned by May 10.

      Highway access would be removed from portions of what the City describes as “unimproved road north and south of Whitetail Drive and east of Cokato Road.”

      Residents can comment on the highway closure at the council meeting on Monday, April 26.

      Elkview Place resident George Smith spoke in opposition to the proposed land exchange at last Monday’s council meeting, because he does not wish to lose the City’s right to water at Brewer’s Creek.

      After the meeting he said he will not pursue the matter further but urged other residents to look into the proposal.

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