Looking for room during month of January 2005

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    • #5385

      Hello, My name is Camilla and I am looking for a room to rent for the month of January 2005. I am currently working in Norway, but will be departing shortly for Bali and then conitinuing on to Fernie for a peak at the mountain life of the rockies. My boyfriend Jonas and I are a responsible couple, simply looking for a place to stay and have the chance to experience Fernie, if only for a month. If you can help us in our search for a rental accomodation, it would be greatly appreciated. Send me an email at ribban18@hotmail.com . Thank you for your time and generosity.

      Camilla and Jonas

      [b:lt82u76k]Please feel free to also send our friend Heather Paul a message in regards to any rental possibilities. She has been living in Fernie for 15 years and is our one and only reference here in Fernie. Her email is humble_val@yahoo.ca Please place the subject heading as “swedish renters”[/b:lt82u76k] :shock:

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