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    • #8659

      howdy , do you use Rogers for your cell? if how do you find the service here in the Elk Valley and on the hill ??? thanks :D

    • #16631

      rogers has notoriously bad service across canada, acquiring Fido was supposed to help but didn’t do much for them and nothing for the most part in rural areas. In the area I think Telus has the best reception as well as those who ‘piggyback’ their towers/signal like Bell Mobility. Bell says its all covered around here (digital) and Rogers says their Fernie service is 4/5 but if I know Rogers they are full of it. My experience is nothing more scientific than spending a couple years asking friends who they’re with when I could tell they had good or bad service. That and hearing a lot of people gripe about their crappy reception, then asking if they have Rogers, and getting the usual sheepish, "yeah" reply. best of luck! From the source you should have 4/5

    • #16632

      My boyfriend had Rogers when we moved here and it worked fine IN town, but as soon as he got on the hiway to my house (the ski hill) or 5 minutes towards Sparwood, he woul dhave absolutely NO service until Cranbrook or the Pass. I finally convinced him to go with someone else. He has Telus and alwasy has service, and I have always used Bell and never had less than 4 bars anywhere in this valley.

    • #16634

      Rogers works fine in the valley from my experience. I have tried them all and went to Rogers to have an iphone.

    • #16633

      Telus works well in town, and up on ski hill. Even on way to cranbrook and calgary…there are a couple small sections where it will cut out….but even last time I went thru Elko I didn’t lose my call!

    • #16635

      I have an iphone/Rogers and have no problems with reception anywhere in Fernie or on the hill. Works great.

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