H E L P Alpine Living Group houses H E L P

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    • #5788

      I was looking for a house in Fernie and came across the Alpine Living Group, and the prices confuses me a little, it says that the prices go from $114 per sq f, so a 578sq f house would cost me around $66000, but that sounds a little cheap. So i wondered if anybody has bought a house from them or know somebody who have? What did you/they pay and what did you/they get for the money? Tried to contact the ALG without any luck.

      Jonatan Petrusson, Sweden.

    • #14029

      You should expect to be paying $400,000 + in that area. That’s just a figure off the top of my head. A 600 sq/f house in town is ranging in the $160,000 range.

      The price you got might be to build a home, without the purchase of land.

    • #14030

      Hey again. Thanks for your answer. I suppose your right. Do you know anything about the possibilities of renting (I suppose that its the Alpine Living Group that owns the land area) the area and purchasing the house? Or maybe do like a pay-plan that when I rent the house out for the summers that I pay of for the land area? I guess youre not the one to ask for this but do you have any idea? Thanks, Jonatan Petrusson

    • #14031

      Alpine Living Group is what you call community living. People purchase lots and build there homes on them. Most people will take loans out from the bank which we call morgages. For someone like me it will take 20 years to pay off a bank morgage.

      Rent to own just doesn’t happen in Fernie.

      Unless your sitting on a load of cash don’t waste your time about purchasing in Alpine Trails. Look in the city area or West Fernie. Mobile homes on Slalom Drive are affordable for the first time home buyer.

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