Gummy bears laced with LSD

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    • #11184

      Gummy bears laced with LSD were found by police searching a home in Cranbrook.

      In a media release, Cpl Chris Faulkner of the Cranbrook Detachment said: "While executing a Search Warrant under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, police located a bag of candy, which had gummie bears in it.

      "The bag and its location inside the residence made the police suspicious, and a sample was sent to the Drug Lab for analysis. The gummie bear has been confirmed to be laced with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, commonly known as LSD.

      "LSD is a psychedelic drug, that affects the brain, often causing psychological problems that alter the thinking process. While it is not necessarily addictive, a person who is under the influence of LSD may become irrational and their behavior can be bizarre. Obviously, if a young child were to consume such a gummie bear, the effects could be very dangerous.

      "While the police don’t want to create panic, because most persons who would purchase such an item want it for personal use, they do want parents to be aware of the presence of these gummie bears in the Cranbrook area."

    • #19324

      What happened to good old blotter paper?

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