Park Place Lodge

Fernie weekenders looking to trade-off child care w/ family

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    • #8737

      We’re a Calgary-based family with a 2.5 year old little girl. We have a house just outside of Fernie. We’re looking for an alternative to trying to organize daycare to give us (mom/dad) a chance to ski on weekends.

      We’d like to connect with another family with a home in Fernie that have a child (or two) similar in age. If you’re in a situation similar to us and might be interested in trading off on play dates to free up the adults, please email us and we’ll set up some time to chat and get to know each other.


      Nicole & Dennis

      *Cross-posted to OurFernie, and Calgary Craigslist and Kijiji*

    • #16707

      Hi Nicole and Dennis,

      My wife and I would love to meet up sometime. We also have a 2.5 yr old girl, Maggie-Sue. Just to let you know a little bit about us… I’m British (32)and my wife is Chinese(28). We’ve been in Fernie since Sept. and we plan to stay here for a few more years at least. I’m currently working as a carpenter at 901 Fernie and my wife takes care of Maggie Sue at home (in the Annex).

      We’d be very interested in trading. If your still looking, you can call me or my wife anytime to chat.


      Mathew & Monica

    • #16708

      Thanks for the response Chippy. Check your PMs for our contact info (didn’t get your phone numbers from your forum post).


      Nicole & Dennis

    • #16709

      Another option here… for both of you. We are in town until mid March and trying to ride as much as possible, we have a 4 year old son (Jed) and an 18 month old daughter (Nell). I’ll send you both a PM with my mobile number. We are staying on 2nd Ave.

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