Park Place Lodge

Don’t work at 7-Eleven

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    • #8120

      They don’t treat you the way they should you work like a bugger and they don’t appreciate what you do for them. They don’t offer you the benefits that they advertise in the paper.
      They pick and choose who they want to advance and who don’t.
      Not a good place to work. They also replace people with someone that they want, no matter how good you work.

    • #16143

      BOO HOO!

      Try working For the Ambulance Service

    • #16144

      Sounds like this wasn’t the job for you. I am sure we have all experienced that at some point or another.
      I have never known any businesses that didn’t choose who moved up or who needed to be replaced. Maybe you were a great worker, maybe you did your best. Maybe someone else was better. Welcome to life.

    • #16145

      I think the staff at 7-11 are wonderful and hard working ………I have seen the way the manager is with his staff …I think if every boss was like that we would all be very lucky people….. I think that maybe you are thinking of yourself and what you have done and are not looking at what the other staff members have done or are doing … just maybe they were working just a little harder than you or maybe were more qualified and this is the reason for their advancement …. anyways get over it .. find another job that is good for you !!!!! I JUST WOULD LIKE TO THANK 7-11 FOR ALL THE COMMUNITY DONATIONS

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