Do you have an opinions on e-readers

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    • #11645

      Hey people out there – looking for your opinion on e-reader that you own – pros/cons/accessiblity limitations/issues/etc. I figure with Christmas just over a few people likey got one and have had time to try it out – I am looking to purchase one and figure getting a feel for what people are using and happy with is the way to go – thanks for your 2 cents.

    • #19834

      I own an iPad which has a ton of flexibility and can access multiple reading sites, including magazines. I love it and would tend to avoid a uni-dimensional piece of technology like an e-reader. I prefer my devices doing more than one thing (less to carry)!

      My two cents, good luck.

    • #19835

      What I like about the Chapters E reader is that there is no eye strain like looking at a computer or i pad screen. You can use it in direct sunlight with no glare, I pad you cannot. The pages are just like looking at a book page. Also, you can adjust the text size. The one from chapters has internet access for free so you can download your books and access to wikipedia incase you need to look up something. I was looking at the i pad as well but the price difference is what sold me on the e reader. I can read for hours in direct sunlight with no eye strain. BAttery lasts a very long time without having to charge. Also, it is very light

    • #19836

      Actually, for the iPad, you can adjust both the font size and brightness when reading a book. Added bonus – when I’m reading something and want to know more, I can jump to the web and do some research. I haven’t found the glare to be too much problem. I also like the fact that I can access multiple book sites and not tied to one (I’ve found some sites don’t have the books I want).

      I’ve yet to meet anyone yet that does not love their iPad! But, as canadianjem points out, it comes down to price.

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