Park Place Lodge

3rd Annual High Roller Bike Ride

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    • #8167

      The "High Roller Mountain Bike Ride" will take place on Saturday September 27th.

      Pre-Registration will be available at participants are limited to 75 people.

      The ride will consist of Big $, Hyper-Ventilation, and the Slunt, in that order. Cost will be $20 or $30 with a T-Shirt.
      This is not a race rather a day ride to challenge yourself.
      This ride is self supported, carry your own tools and food. Amazing BBQ to following the event. Tons of Swag to give away.

      Event runs Rain shine sleet or snow. any questions or volunteers (are needed) direct them to

      Registration is at Rotary Park
      7:30am to 8am sign up try to be on time….
      8am to 8:30am ride briefing
      ride leaves at 8:45am sharp!

      This is a challenge, it is not supposed to be easy.
      have fun!
      non-profit event!

      Sign up here – … =1&reset=1

    • #16189

      can i just attend the bbq? what would that cost?
      thanks…let me know.

    • #16190

      Hi everybody.

      The High Roller will take place in 19 days. I currently only have help with the bbq, I still need some amazing people to help run this great event.

      I’m looking for volunteers to be stationed at the top of the three rides, also I’m looking for people to help out with the feed station.

      This event isn’t really possible without volunteers. I want this year to be the best ever, so if you or someone you know can help out please let me know, you ‘ll get a free bbq and t-shirt out of the deal as well as having a really fun day.

      please let me know

    • #16191

      I wanted to clarify something about the High Roller. This year’s route is a little bigger, and I’ve definitely had a lot of feedback on the route, for every ten people that say it’s too difficult, I get ten that say it’s great.

      I’m sorry that the route does not accommodate everybody. The reality is if you find one or two of the trails too tough, just don’t do it all. The idea is to just get out on your bike, have fun and challenge yourself. The High Roller is an end of season day of biking and bbq to sum up the riding season in Fernie. The idea is to get together as a community of mountain bikers and have fun, be part of the day whether it is doing one ride and volunteering the rest of the day or doing all three rides and doing the unofficial wild card as well.

      Nothing is set in stone, e-mail me ( if you have questions or a special case you would like to talk about.

      Just come out and make it a celebration for the 2008 mountain bike season in Fernie.

    • #16192
      alex jefthas

      heck, this sounds like a blast. keep an eye out for me next year, for certain!

    • #16193

      I?Ç‚Äôm finally sitting down, decompressing, enjoying a dark red glass of wine, home after the High Roller BBQ. I must say, this year was great, I had unbelievable help in volunteers, the weatherman cooperated this year, and no body got hurt.

      So let?Ç‚Äôs do the numbers, 40.95kms, 1893 M of climbing, 1860 M of descending, an unreal 64 paticipants, 90 people at the bbq, 175 kabobs, 10 rockin?Ç‚Äô volunteers, 1 golden polaski award, 1 sweet sun, and lots of sun for late September.

      We had a nice mix of participants from the Kootenays, from the likes of Golden, Rossland, Nelson, and of course Calgary, a lot of happy smiling mountain bikers! I was aware that the route was bigger than last year, I took a lot of slack for that. You know I didn?Ç‚Äôt care, I knew that Fernie has great world class mountain bikers, that know how to ride bikes and not whine.

      There were still some big bikes on the scene, a few VP Frees, a V-10, and a few other beasts, kudos to those folks with the skills to make the big ride happen with big bikes. The bikes of choice were clearly the Nomad and the Reign, with some XC bikes in the mix.

      The High Roller is definitely the favorite day for the better part of the mountain biking community. All the local celebrities rode again this year, world 24 hours Solo championship riders, Marty and Jesse, Fernie?Ç‚Äôs fastest chiropractor, and a few Trans Rockies racers. I loved that all the Nelson family turned up, Laura ripped the route and kicked all her boy?Ç‚Äôs asses. Most of the riders were simply Fernie?Ç‚Äôs local rippers, that?Ç‚Äôs why this event is so good, grassroots riding.

      The route took people from 3h40m to 9h to ride, with smiles the whole time. This year, Fernie?Ç‚Äôs trail building, volunteering, and participating machine Mitchy received the coveted ?Ç‚ÄúGolden Polaski Award?Ç‚Äù for being the driving force behind our current explosion in sweet singletrack we?Ç‚Äôve seen in the last few years. Mitch had a hand in all three of the High Roller trails this year. The day before riding the High Roller, he spent 9 hours buffing up one of the trails for the event. When you see that man on the street tell him thanks, thanks for all the relentless work he has put into our trail network in Fernie, because the chances that you mountain bike are good and the chances are even better that you do not do any trail work.(Mitchy for Mayor)

      I want to say thanks to Hustler, Al, Anna, Tyler, Bird, Amanda, Dangerous, Martin, Julia, Lindsay, Guylaine, Deb, Luke, Henners, Bernie, Ian, Kieran, Tiger, Lucie, Souvlaki, Fred, JF and especially Small, who all really helped pull it off?ǂĶThank you .

      If you didn?Ç‚Äôt ride the 2008 High Roller Mountain Bike Ride, you simply missed out on a great day!

      Long Live, Long Rides.

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