Dear Elk Valley community, you are amazing!
Your actions have helped flatten the curve, stay the course!
Here is an update from BC Ministry Of Health:
Key messages regarding our current state:
• BC is experiencing a slowing in the rate of new diagnoses and stabilization of COVID-19 patients in hospital/ICU.
• This difference between what could have been and what has happened is because of the collective action of BC citizens.
• This slowdown is due to public health action, NOT herd immunity – and what happens next will also be due to public health action. This is an important message.

COVID-19 will become the number one cause of death in the US this week. So don’t listen to people telling us to quickly get back to ‘normal’.
If we don’t slow the spread of this disease and do what we can to find treatments and hopefully develop a vaccine, there will be no normal to return to.
See the detailed COVID-19 update from the BC Ministry of Health on: Where we are and considerations for next steps.
Follow the Elk Valley Physicians on Facebook.
Source: Facebook