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Fernie has been home to the TransRockies Challenge for 12 years so its no surprise that the Calgary based events organization is hosting new events in Fernie. This June 29 and 30th they will be hosting the 1st Annual Fernie Ultra and Enduro!

The Fernie Ultra is a solo and relay trail run. It is being held on June 29th and is bringing the Ultra format of trail running to Fernie. It will treat runners to a challenging and beautiful route, covering approximately 80km with 3000m of climbing to spectacular alpine vistas. Look for the inclusion of Sherwoody, Tamarack, Verboten, Mushroom Head, Hyperventilation trails with Transition Areas at Island Lake Lodge, Fernie’s Annex Park, Coal Creek and Ridgemont.

Local runners that will be participating include: Bob Maudie, Heather Mong, Min Merrett, Kim Shopland, Francesca Ter Poorten

TransRockies Run 2012

The Fernie Enduro, Sunday, June 30th, will feature a pure format enduro, 39 km route with four timed technical descents. Riders will be ranked in the enduro results – with only the descents timed, and in the cross country results – with a time for the entire 38.7km course. With four descents totaling 1,822m, the Fernie Enduro will offer a World Class Enduro experience. The route will feature four epic Fernie descents:

1. Verboten
2. Project 9
3. Red Sonya
4. Roots Hyper Extension

Overall: 38.7 km, 1765m climbing, 1822m descents

Enduro is the hottest new format in mountain biking, combining the fitness of getting yourself to the top of the mountain in a fun and friendly non-competitive atmosphere, with a timed competitive descent ranking based on the rider’s combined time over the designated downhill portions. The format is appealing because it exemplifies the mountain biking experience, fostering camaraderie on the climbs and adrenaline and friendly competition on the descents. Several top cross-country mountain bike pros are switching to racing enduro for the 2013 season. Local riders can be expected to place well. Luke Nelson, Marty Hafke, Henry Bartlett, Angela Ethridge and others will be rippin’ down their backyard trails!

The finish is being celebrated at the Fernie Hotel and Pub in the heart of Downtown Fernie. A bbq and beer gardens will be happening and open to the public. Come out and enjoy the fun!!

Saturday June 29 – Fernie Ultra Trail Run
8am – Start at FAR Plaza
12pm to 10pm – Finish at CP Station Square/ Fernie Hotel
1pm to 10pm – Food and beverage gardens at Fernie Hotel

Sunday June 30 Fernie Enduro Mountain Bike
9am – Start at FAR Plaza
12pm to 5pm – Finish at CP Station Square/ Fernie Hotel
1pm to 10pm – Food and beverage gardens at Fernie Hotel

Thanks to organizations like the Fernie Trails Alliance, the Fernie trail system rivals the best in the world. This is why Fernie is the only community to have hosted all twelve of the TransRockies Challenge’s!

A big thanks to our partners who make these events possibe: City of Fernie, Fernie Alpine Resort, Island Lake Lodge, Fernie Getaways, Red Tree Lodge, Stanford Resorts, Raging Elk Hostel, Fernie Central Reservations, The Fernie Hotel and Pub, Fernie Slopeside Hotel, Fernie Brewing