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As Spring marches on and the days get warmer, there are clearly lots of you getting your bikes out of hibernation and getting inspired to ride in 2010. This past week we rode Stage 1 in Fernie and the singletrack and riding conditions were amazing. In just under three hours with a GPS in hand we discovered Pat Gilmar’s , Route Director, amazing Time Trail section. Stage 1 is sure to please and Fernie’s hospitality is sure to comfort.

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We’ve been getting a steady stream of registrations and are getting ever closer to a sell out of TR3. Over 90 per cent of the available spots have been confirmed for the second edition of the three-day solo race on the singletrack around Fernie, through the Elk Valley and over the Continental Divide into Alberta. That means that we’ll soon be putting out the “No Vacancy” sign for 2010.

If TR3 sells out, why not consider the full TR this year? If you’ve been training enough for three days on the trails, you’re not far away from being ready for the full seven days. If you’re still searching for a partner, be sure to use the forum or Facebook page to connect with other riders. 
2010 is going to be the most exciting edition of the TransRockies since our first so if it’s been on your life to-do list why not check it off this year?

For full registration details, visit