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Renowned sports protographers Blake Jorgenson and Mark Gallup are offering a mountain sports action photography clinic during the world renowned TransRockies Mountain bike race.

This workshop is for any photo enthusiast who is particularly interested in shooting outdoor and action photography. The first 2 days will be a combination of classroom instruction and on location outdoor shooting with pro mountain bikers. Both natural light and flash photography will be covered, tips, techniques and pro secret’s! Each day will be followed by an après session to unwind, talk about the day and keep the conversation rolling. For the last 2 days you will have the unique opportunity of photographing a world class mountain bike event. We will focus on assignment shooting. It’s “game on” as you cover everything from start line to finish line, high speed action, interesting characters, muddy faces, victories and defeats. It’s as real as any assignment will get! In fact, instructors will give you a mock client to shoot for and lead you through the day followed by classroom analyses and presenting your images.

Throughout the program you will also be working on your own 3 minute slide show to showcase at an awards dinner on the last evening. Lunches are included on each day plus the wind up dinner on the last evening.

All participants should love to be active and enjoy the outdoors with knowledge that changing conditions will be part of the fun! Locations will be accessed several ways including hiking, biking or 4×4. The only mode of transportation you are required to bring are your legs! A bike is optional if you desire.

A basic understanding of photography and the use of your own digital SLR camera is required. Also, a backpack is recommended for your equipment. Artificial lighting/strobe techniques will be part of the program. Your own flashes are recommended. Limited lighting equipment will be available through the instructors or for rent from The Camera Store in Calgary. Each participant should have their own laptop. Applicable software such as Adobe Light Room or Photo Shop should be installed on your computer.

At this time we are accepting reservations that can be confirmed with a $400 deposit. Upon confirmation, more information will be provided in the Welcome package including itinerary, curriculum and more details on what to bring.

For more information or to register CLICK HERE.