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Day one from Panorama to K2 Ranch was a typical “Transrockies” day. We left with the music blaring, “The Highway to Hell”.  From Panorama we immediately began a relentless 2-hour hill climb ( the steepesta dn longest climb in the race) where we were rewarded at the top with snow, hail and fantastic vistas. There was the expected assortment of single-track downhills, rocky climbs, side- mountain shale tracks and muddy bogs. Best of all was the spectacular scenery and my favourite… the rolling fast gravel descent for 20 kms.





All the Fernie teams were in from just after 6 hours to 6:45. All came over the finish line with smiles; tired, but happy to be done for the day. Doug and George had mechanical issues that cost them an hour.


I am tired, but ready to ride tomorrow. Kudos to my partner Shayne for helping on the long climbs often pushing two bikes. Sebastian and Michele are downhill demons and made up several places on those stretches of single track and the Evolution girls are all around good riders.

My goal to arrive before 7 hours, but still ride within my limits was completed. What more could you ask for on the first day of the ‘toughest mountain bike race in the world’. It is an honour to ride for all those that have sponsored the ‘Blackstone Fernie Breath Easy” Teams and to represent Asthma Canada .