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Oh what fun! …109 kms of single-track, double-track and flying gravel road. There were hazards galore with cross ditches and seven stream crossings, one which was threatening to sweep me down river. As I stood crotch-deep in the middle, Shayne thankfully came out to take my bike before I pitched in for a glacial swim. In fact, Shayne has proved himself to be a wonderful Sherpa on several occasions… not to mention reminding me constantly to stay at 80%, drink and stand up to save my butt. Surprisingly I’m listening. The most important goal of the Transrockies is to finish healthy and raise money and awareness for asthma nationally. And since there are 27 countries represented at this year’s race, maybe internationally.
-Pepper (Blackstone Fernie – Breathe Easy 1)

Hello Fernie! Day 4 out here in Whiteswan, with the longest day of riding done. Everyone is healthy, and we are managing to have a good time when not riding. We have met folks from South Africa, the UK, Belgium, and the island of Jersey (look it up), all here to ride and have fun. The rides are going really well, Pepper gives me too much credit – I’ve seen her shoulder her bike and carry it up an avalanche slope the length of 2 football fields. And she was only a little breathless. I still have the moustache, and I am also now sporting a cheesy goatee until we hit $20,000 on the website. Please donate so my wife will let me in when I get home – she may not recognize me. Thanks for all the good luck wishes, see you all soon.
Shayne (Blackstone Fernie- Breath Easy 1)


