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It was a relief to get onto some flowy single-track and there was lots of it! The time trial format was really cool and it let all the teams have some space to prove their handling skills.


Michele- I finally solved some of my nutrition bugaboos and found my legs for the first time this race. We raged on the single-track and schooled a few of the men’s teams about the right way to ride a log & steep downhills. We found our team rhythm and felt we put in a good time on the course, passing a few of our competitors and making up some time on others. There were definitely a few technically challenging spots and some amazing scenery. There was one portion of the course which ran above the Kootenay River about 200 meters atop of a cliff wall which were absolutely no slip zones!

Seb- The course was absolutely amazing, some of the most beautiful scenery I’ve seen and some of the best single-track I’ve ridden. I’d definitely like to come back and ride here just for fun. There was about 60% single-track, 30% quad track and only about 10% gravel road, but just enough hike-a-bike to qualify it as a TransRockies day! I feel we made some time on our competitors and should move up a couple of places in the standings and I’m quite happy about that.

It was a good day to be representing Blackstone Fernie and raising awareness of Asthma Canada. W
