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With the days counting down to the start of the 2009 TransRockies and TR3, the excitement and anticipation is building among riders, staff and volunteers.

Those whose training programs have been going to schedule are starting to think about  the last couple of weeks of rest and taper, while those who haven’t hit their goals are furiously cramming some last hard miles in the summer sunshine hoping that it will be enough when the starter’s pistol is fired in Panorama on August 9th.

The final course details are just being put into place with some tweaks and improvements being made to last year’s course in response to rider feedback and to keep things fresh. The final routing will include 540km of epic Rocky Mountain riding with nearly 15,000 metres of climbing. For riders taking on the challenge of the new 3-day solo TR3 event, the route will include over 160km of riding and 6200 metres of climbing. Just about every stage has been tweaked this year to make sure that TransRockies continues to offer the most epic mountain bike experience in North America.