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The ‘rock garden’ of Day 5 has absolutely no flowers… in fact it doesn’t have anything to do with a ‘garden’ but is more accurately described as a graveyard of head-sized boulders strewn from one end of the path to the other. The fact that some people ride it amazes me; the ‘rock garden’ was a walking zone… or rather a stumbling zone after 75 k of up and down and 6k of debris fields to ride and push through. I found it a much harder day than yesterday!


At this time I’d like to thank the Support Team of Will Matthews and Krista Adams who provide the transportation of our travelling home and most importantly… great food and soul nourishment. They are the background strength behind the goal of getting Shayne and I to the end of this race to support the Asthma Society of Canada. Both Blackstone teams finished healthy and can be supported at

By the way, Michele DID ride the ‘rock garden’.
