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I sit under the awning of the RV, the rain coming down again, waiting for Pepper, Shayne, Michelle and Sebastian, the riders of the “Breath Easy Teams” in support of Asthma Canada.


Pepper is my partner and I love her very much….but right now the word is RESPECT…respect for her dedication to Asthma awareness, respect for her tenacity and courage and respect for her commitment to take care of herself and be an example for other Asthma suffers.
Today, the race is more than 70 KM and over two mountains with 3800 meters of climbing but that does not explain the challenge. There are grades that would challenge a mountain goat and swift rivers to cross. There are swamps and bogs and rain and snow. The descents are full of roots and rocks and mud and many times bordering deep canyons.


I sit and wait…it could be a 10 hour day today and then 5 more days to go after that…my heart goes out to Pepper and all the Breathe Easy Team and wish them a safe journey.
Please help them to reach their goal by donating to Asthma Canada .

Will Matthews
Breathe Easy Support Team