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Elk Valley Mines Win Safety Awards March 18, 2017

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The province is holding the 55th annual Mine Safety Awards to honour mining operations for their work to ensure mining remains one of British Columbia’s safest heavy industries and a few Elk Valley mines are receiving honours.

Each year, the awards are presented to mines and quarries for managing crews who have accumulated 15,000 or more worker hours with the lowest injury-frequency rate in the previous calendar year. The companies recognized are leaders in workplace safety in an industry that is essential to BC’s strong and growing economy.

In 1969, BC was one of the first jurisdictions in Canada to introduce health and safety legislation and regulations for mines and BC’s mining sector continues to be one of the safest and most responsible in the world. Government presents the Mine Safety Awards each year to recognize industry, workers, unions and ministry staff for their effort and continued commitment to implementing the high standards of health and safety for workers.

Today, BC has more than 30,000 people employed in mineral exploration, mining and related sectors. Ensuring the safety of workers, the public and the environment is essential to securing a strong future for this job creating industry.

“The mining sector is vital to our province’s economy and it’s important to recognize the people and companies that have contributed to making mining one of our safest heavy industries. Tonight’s awards honour mining operations that have shown their dedication to meeting and exceeding our province’s high safety standards. Congratulations to tonight’s award recipients and thank you for the work you do,” said Bill Bennett, Minister of Energy and Mines and Kootenay East MLA.

The Mine Safety Awards were established in 1961 by the BC minister of mines and petroleum resources to recognize the safety record of mines in BC.

The Ministry of Energy and Mines recognized the following companies for their exceptional safety records throughout the 2016 calendar year:

Certificate of Achievement:

CertainTeed Gypsum Canada Inc. – Windermere

Plateau Construction Ltd. – Harper Ranch Quarry

Jack Cewe Ltd. – Treat Creek

Mainland Sand and Gravel ULC – Jamieson Quarry and Maple Ridge Sand and Gravel

Imperial Limestone Co. Ltd. – Imperial Limestone Co. Ltd.

Copcan Civil Ltd. – Northwest Bay Quarry

Allard Contractors Ltd. – Mission Pit

Peace River Coal Inc. – Trend-Roman Mine

Abbotsford Gravel Sales Ltd. – Abbotsford Gravel

Stewart/O’Brian Award:

Mainland Sand and Gravel ULC – Cox Station

LafargeHolcim – Central Aggregates

Lafarge Canada Inc. – Pitt River Quarries

532470 BC Ltd. – Ward Pit

LafargeHolcim – Earle Creek

Orca Sand & Gravel – Orca Sand & Gravel

Fraser Pacific Enterprises Inc. – Sumas Shale Quarry

Edward Prior Award:

Copper Mountain Mine Ltd. – Copper Mountain Mine

Greenhills Operation

John Ash Award:

Teck Coal Ltd. – Greenhills

Gibraltar Mines Inc. – Gibraltar Mine

Small Underground Mines Award:

JDS Silver – Silvertip

Large Underground Mines Award:

New Gold Inc. – New Afton Mine