Special Weather Statement Issued for Elk Valley
February 22, 2025
Today, the federal Joint Review Panel has recommended that the federal government approve Enbridge’s Northern Gateway pipeline project, with 209 conditions attached. The position of Today’s BC Liberals is as follows:
Depending on how the Federal Cabinet decides, the proponents are part way to meeting one of British Columbia’s Five Conditions – to pass environmental review.
But there’s still a lot of work left to meet the other conditions, including: First Nations’ consultations, world-leading spills response for marine and land, and a fair share for British Columbia.
What we are seeing is broader recognition and acceptance of British Columbia’s 5 Conditions, from industry and other governments.
A year and a half ago, Premier Clark was alone among all the premiers of Canada, standing up for British Columbia.
We have been consistent that B.C.’s Five Conditions must be met in order for our government to consider supporting any proposed new or expanded heavy-oil pipeline in BC.
Alberta recently accepted B.C.’s Five Conditions, and both pipeline proponents are indicating they are working to address all 5 Conditions.
B.C.’s Five Conditions apply to any new or expanded heavy-oil pipeline.
The Five Conditions are clearly stated, consistent and gives business certainty of what is required to build in B.C.
The Five Conditions articulate how we do business in B.C. And it works.
We support economic development that is fair to British Columbians, that protects our environment and respects our First Nations.