A Lasting Love: Remembering Mary and Nick Giuliano’s Legacy
March 5, 2025
By Premier Christy Clark
I am writing to give you a quick snapshot of “Canada Starts Here: The BC Jobs Plan” which I have been discussing around BC this week.
We call it “Canada Starts Here” because our province call pull Canada into the next century and lead this country like never before.
Isn’t that a great idea?
To do this we have a comprehensive plan that will reach across our province and economy by focusing on three key pillars — enabling job creation, creating smart infrastructure and opening new markets for BC products.
It’s a plan that recognizes sometimes government has to lead, but sometimes the best thing government can do is get out of the way and let the private sector do its job creating jobs.
Here are a few highlights:
• we are taking steps to facilitate prompt answers for investors and to chop the backlog in permitting applications. This isn’t about weakening environmental protections, but is about saying the government that makes the laws has to be able to process the permits.
we are providing tax incentives to help small businesses, and a review of business taxes to make sure we are competitive and attractive to investors.
• we are focused on skills training so young people can get the skills they need to be able to stay in the communities where they grew up — and more families can stay together.
We need this plan because we live in a world of global economic uncertainty and we have to play offence to make sure we don’t get left behind. While others hunker down we are going to step up and lead like never before. This is important so we can defend the jobs we already have, as well as creating new ones.
I have never been one to think you solve a problem by throwing money at it, so our plan includes very modest spending commitments.
The NDP may not like it, but I would rather focus on respecting taxpayers with smart, strategic investments that focus on maximizing Return on Investment instead of maximizing spending.
Implementing this plan is my central mission as your premier.
We are going to take what’s great about Canada and make it better.
This is our time — it is our chance to lead. When it comes to building the future, Canada starts here.
By Sharon White
Earlier today the BC Liberal Party began an extensive campaign to inform the public about the BC Conservative Party, and their unprincipled leader, John Cummins.
This campaign comes after months of irresponsible attacks from Cummins against Premier Christy Clark, our government and our party.
Cummins’ attacks play into the hands of the NDP. We have decided enough is enough!
The spokesperson for this campaign is Minister Mary Polak, the Minister of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation. Mary points out that Cummins is an unprincipled politician whose positions are all over the map.
Here are some examples of the unprincipled actions of Cummins:
• he calls himself a conservative, but voted NDP in the last provincial election (even though there was a BCC candidate in his riding)
• he opposed the increase in the minimum wage while taking a $100,000.00 pension paid for by taxpayers
• he wants to be a double-dipper – he’s taking a federal pension while running for provincial office
• Cummins opposed the Pacific Gateway initiative, including the roads and bridges in the Lower Mainland that are essential to our economic growth and to job creation
• Cummins even attacked Christy for fighting to get BC our fair share of federal ship-building contracts!
These facts and others can be found on the new website appropriately called www.CantTrustCummins.ca. You can hear our new radio ads on the site, and also donate. Please circulate this link to your family, friends and business associates.
Moving to expose the BCC now is essential in allowing us to make sure the NDP is stopped later. I hope you can take a minute to make a secure online donation of $25, $50, or $100 to keep these ads on the air.
Sharon White
President, BC Liberal Party