Special Weather Statement Issued for Elk Valley
February 22, 2025
The BC Liberal Party is, now more than ever, a party open to new ideas, to a new, more respectful relationship with the people, led by a woman who is one of the most dynamic, energetic leaders in Canada. Premier Christy Clark’s government is now focusing on what’s good for families. Christy understands first-hand the challenges of raising a family. This is a big agenda and extends from job creation, to a fairer justice system, to respect for the natural environment. It is an agenda that suits our needs here in Kootenay East and is a key reason why I asked to re-enter the BC Liberal Government Caucus.
On April 5th, I was re-admitted to caucus. The majority of my constituents want me to be a government MLA, as opposed to an Independent or an Opposition MLA. I am re-energized, enthusiastic and raring to go. I’ve spent the past four months working in the Riding, re-connecting with you and working on issues that matter to Kootenay East. I feel fortunate to live in such a blessed place as this and very lucky to be the MLA here. It is a job I love to do for you.
The BC Liberal Party is a big tent that thankfully contains many different points of view. That’s frankly why people like Jim Abbott, Stockwell Day, Jay Hill and Chuck Strahl support the BC Liberals. Many in the BC Liberal Party are Conservatives. Many are federal Liberals. Many are not affiliated with any federal party. History in BC shows that only a coalition party like the BC Liberal Party can defeat the NDP. That’s why I believe I am doing the right thing by joining the government caucus. And of course, being inside government makes it easier to help meet your challenges and bring back good things for the area.
There’s lots to be done. Projects like the Intensive Care Unit for EKRH, a new contract with our valuable teachers, stronger seniors care, changes to how we manage resource roads, promotion of our area for tourism, keeping the Flathead open to hunters, loggers and recreationalists, and the boat launch at Koocanusa. I understand all of these issues and will be putting my shoulder to the wheel like never before.
I am guessing the new premier may ask the people for a mandate for her new government in the next year. No one expects her to be an unelected premier for two years. I will be asking you to re-hire me so that, together, we can create more good jobs here, improve healthcare and education and ensure that the Kootenay region, our needs and our values, are strongly represented in Victoria.
Bill Bennett, MLA, Kootenay East