Special Weather Statement Issued for Elk Valley
February 22, 2025
Our MLA Bill Bennett has volunteered to be a “MOST WANTED” for the Fernie Rotary Club’s Jail ‘n Bail fundraising project with proceeds going to the Fernie Food Bank. Bill will be arrested during Griz Days in Fernie, March 5 – 7th, and his bail has been posted at $5,000!
Your support of Bill’s efforts to set a new MOST WANTED fundraising record of $5,000 for the Fernie Rotary Club’s community projects will be most welcome!
To make a pledge to help bail Kootenay Bill out of jail and to contribute to a very worthwhile community initiative, contact our constituency office in Cranbrook at 250-417-6022 or reply to this email at jennifer.osmar@leg.bc.ca.
Cheques are made payable to the Fernie Rotary Foundation and should be mailed or dropped off to the Constituency office address below. Charitable receipts will be issued for donations of $20 or more. Our deadline for donations is March 4th, 2010.