The Elk Valley Regional Land Trust Re-Commits
January 21, 2025
Our MLA Bill Bennett has volunteered to be a “MOST WANTED” for the Fernie Rotary Club’s Jail ‘n Bail fundraising project with proceeds going to the Fernie Food Bank. Bill will be arrested during Griz Days in Fernie, March 5 – 7th, and his bail has been posted at $5,000!
Your support of Bill’s efforts to set a new MOST WANTED fundraising record of $5,000 for the Fernie Rotary Club’s community projects will be most welcome!
To make a pledge to help bail Kootenay Bill out of jail and to contribute to a very worthwhile community initiative, contact our constituency office in Cranbrook at 250-417-6022 or reply to this email at
Cheques are made payable to the Fernie Rotary Foundation and should be mailed or dropped off to the Constituency office address below. Charitable receipts will be issued for donations of $20 or more. Our deadline for donations is March 4th, 2010.